Chemistry Vs Climatic Changes


        Chemistry plays an important role in determining the current state and the predictions of the future state of earth's climate because a large number of agents that force earth's climate are chemically active. Chemical processes in the atmosphere to determine the abundances and properties of atmospheric forcing agents.

        The atmosphere enables life on Earth. It is a relatively thin layer of gases surrounding our planet. The life-sustaining composition of the atmosphere is unique compared to other planets in the solar system. By volume, dry air is a mixture of various gases. Due to gravity, air density decreases with altitude. Because of Photochemical Reactions initiated by the absorption of energy from sunlight, the constituents of dry air vary in the different layers of the atmosphere.

        The major constituents of air are Nitrogen (78%), Oxygen (21%), Argon (1%) and Carbon dioxide (0,04%). The relative concentration of gases remains constant close to the Earth’s surface. Although water vapour accounts for only a small percentage of air, it is an important gas, particularly in the lower atmosphere. Altogether, the atmosphere consists of thousands of gases, but most of them are found in much smaller proportions than the primary gases.


        The Earth’s atmosphere can be divided into different layers from lowest to highest based on their temperature: troposphere (0 to 10 km), stratosphere (10 to 50 km), mesosphere (50 to 100 km) and thermosphere (100 to 500 km). In addition, air pressure and gas mixtures vary, depending on the layers and their regions.

        Here, we understand the Earth is made of many chemicals. The climatic changes are recently indicated the vast difference.. It is clear that the increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions since the industrial revolution is the chief cause of observed global warming.  Global warming has really taken effect in the world over the past century. It is unusually rapid increase in the Earth's average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released as people burn fossil fuels. Global warming enhancing greenhouse gases emission and build-up in the Earth's environment. The gases that have an influence on the atmosphere are Water Vapour, Carbon dioxide, Dinitrogen-oxide, and Methane. 


        Almost 30% of incoming sunlight is reflected back into space by bright surfaces like clouds and ice. In other 70%, most is absorbed by the land and ocean, and the rest is absorbed by the atmosphere. The absorbed solar energy heats our planet. This absorption and radiation of heat by the atmosphere is beneficial for life on Earth. Climate can change if there is a change in the amount of solar energy that gets to the Earth.

        Carbon dioxide is already at levels much higher than at any time in the last 800,000 years, and continued emissions are expected to lead to significant further warming. Moreover, the speed of warming will be faster than during past natural climate change events, making adaptation more difficult. This change in climate is expected to bring changes in regional temperature and precipitation and to increase the frequency of heat waves, heavy rainfall, and some other types of extreme weather events. These will have a serious adverse effect on human wellbeing and the natural world.

        In conclusion, we need to take part and try to stop global warming and other effects on climate change. If the Earth's temperature continue to rise in the future, living things on earth would become extinct due to the high temperatures. If human contribute to control global warming, this world be cooler and the high temperatures we currently have would decrease. 



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