
Showing posts from January, 2022

What does Alcohol do in Human body?

What is Alcohol?           Ethanol is simply called as Alcohol. Its also referred as Ethyl alcohol or Grain alcohol - the Primary ingredient in alcoholic bevvies. Ethanol is a colorless liquid that is a byproduct of plant fermentation. Ethanol is formed when yeast ferments the sugar in plants.  The Maximum of Alcohol percentage in beverages is 70-95% (Vodka). What happens to Human body?          Alcohol is mainly a depressant, but it actually has stimulating effects when you first start drinking. It begins to do its work as earlier, it reaches your mouth, and its effects become more noticeable as the alcohol makes its way through your body.  Mouth : As soon as alcohol passes your lips, some of it gets into your bloodstream through the tiny blood vessels in your mouth and tongue. Stomach and Small Intestine : Up to 20% of the Alcohol you drink goes into your bloodstream through your stomach. The rest of it gets in your bloodstream via your small intestine. Bloodstream : Bloodstream ca

Chemistry Vs Climatic Changes

            Chemistry plays an important role in determining the current state and the predictions of the future state of earth's climate because a large number of agents that force earth's climate are chemically active. Chemical processes in the atmosphere to determine the abundances and properties of atmospheric forcing agents.           The atmosphere enables life on Earth. It is a relatively thin layer of gases surrounding our planet. The life-sustaining composition of the atmosphere is unique compared to other planets in the solar system. By volume, dry air is a mixture of various gases. Due to gravity, air density decreases with altitude. Because of Photochemical Reactions initiated by the absorption of energy from sunlight, the constituents of dry air vary in the different layers of the atmosphere.           The major constituents of air are Nitrogen (78%), Oxygen (21%), Argon (1%) and C arbon dioxide  (0,04%). The relative concentration of gases remains constant c

'Father Of Chemistry' and his unknown facts - Antoine Lavoisier

                                     Antoine Lavoisier I consider nature a vast chemical laboratory in which combustion and decomposition are formed.                                                                                              - Antoine Lavoisier Unknown and interesting Facts:  Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier was born to a wealthy family of nobility in Paris on 26 August 1743. The son of an attorney at Parliament of Paris. At the school, his scientific interests were aroused, and studied chemistry, botany, astronomy and mathematics.  He was able to spend much of his three years as a law student, attending public and private lectures on chemistry and physics and working under tutelage of leading naturists.                                  He completed degree in law and admitted to the bar, but never practiced as a Lawyer. However, he continued his scientific education in his spare time.  He compiles, the first complete list of elements, discovered and named oxygen and hydroge

Acids in fruits

 Acids in fruits What is Acid?          A typical substance that neutralizes alkalis, dissolves some metals, turn blue litmus red, typically  corrosive or sour-tasting liquid of this kind. An acid is a substance that produces hydrogen ( H + ) ions when it is added to water. A hydrogen ion is just a proton and no electron.          Even human body contains Acid for its various purpose. The most important acids of human body are amino acids, fatty acids, ascorbic acids and hydrochloric acids.  Acids in fruits          Acids are present in most of the fruits.  It's not healthy habit to have fruits in empty stomach. For example, if you drink milk in empty stomach, you might suffer from acid re-flux. The increase in production of stomach acid and weakened stomach muscle in esophagus are main cause of acid re-flux. milk also causes acidity. Likewise, fruits also cause some acidity in empty stomach, better to have with some other snacks.                     In general, fruits are acidic,